Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yeah! My 2 week project is now printing!

OK, I know it will sound silly to many of you, but this project better pay off with the kids! In preparing to start the boys on a much more ambitious reading program I ran across a thing called the Book of Centuries. It is used by many who teach with the Charlotte Mason method (very long so won't try to describe it here). Any way, I also found a little game on the web site for the books we will be using at least part of the time and it included placing the books you have read on the timeline. Hmmmm.... how can I combine the two. And off I went to research the best way to build the timeline so that the kids could record which books have been read and where they fit in history. As of now, the book timeline is printed (yep, it finished while I was typing) and now all I have to do is the blank pages they will fill in as they do the actual historic records too. This is a project that will hopefully follow them throughout their school years and I for one am excited to see how much we can learn!

In the mean time, you all can enjoy a little of what I learned along the way. There is now a timeline widget here on my blog. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. that sounds like a great idea and a terrific learning tool.
