OK, so I'm kinda stealin' that from Google mail (for those with gmail, they have added an almost Facebook type system right inside your email), but it does seem appropriate. There has been quite a bit going on.
On the Home School front, Dinosaurs are finally completely done including all decorating of the lapbooks. (Photos still needed so I guess I will have to add those later.) We are now diligently studying the Olympics. Our little miss is working on some new Math and Science activities I found over the weekend and enjoying them heartily. She needs to work as hard on her reading as that is turning out to not be a favorite most days. I think the reason is that it goes slower than she would like. She is picking up more than she realizes, but not during "lesson" time.
On the technology front, we have added a couple of new devices lately. I think I mentioned that my wonderfully sweet BIL donated his old computer to the kids. It could not have come at a better time because the one we had been using was just not working well. Other than trying to get around the whole needing a CD to play all their programs, the computer is great. We had decided to place it in the boys bedroom, but I am rethinking that, and believe we might better put it up in the loft. Well, with that new computer came a real dilemma about the old scanner. I have started using it nearly weekly, could no longer use it with it hooked to the kids computer, have constantly been fighting it on that old computer because it locks the computer so badly that I have to reboot several times each session, and really just needed to replace it with something I could hook to my machine. After a great deal of debate we decided to go ahead and purchase an all-in-one printer scanner. And after even more research, have ordered an Epson Artisan 810. It has a fax, which we didn't really need, but it has one of the best scanner resolutions available, high print quality and inks (for about the same price as the inks I've been buying), and it has WiFi. Yep, every computer in the house will be able to print to it! How nice not to have to copy files onto a jump just so DH can print them out!!!!
Well, then to top it all off, we were given another gift by DBIL and DSIL! They won a BlueRay player at a charity auction and gifted it to us. It's not a fancy one, but man, what a gift! Brand new, in the box! They of course, loaned us a stack of disks as well. We have now finally seen last summers Star Trek, which we thoroughly enjoyed and The Proposal, which I highly recommend. I don't think we have laughed that hard in years. I know I was nearly in tears from laughter and DH (who had not really been interested in it) has declared it as one to add to our own library. I think the last movie to get us laughing so hard was Waking Ned Devine.
So, we are busy, busy, busy and thoroughly enjoying life!